BN Bling Proposals

A Supposed Birthday Party Turned Out to Be Kim’s Proposal

It’s definitely a good day to sing this line of Queen B’s single ladies: ‘Cause if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it.’ Well, Damola liked it and he put a ring on it.

Kim was certainly not expecting her proposal that day. Damola came up with a plan to get her to her proposal in a very beautiful way. He had told her weeks earlier that they were to attend a birthday party where celebrity Chef Fregz would be catering. Well as a food lover, that was all the convincing she needed to lock down the day. I mean who doesn’t like good food.

You know what, keep scrolling and read all about it from the bride-to-be below:


Here’s how it all happened by the bride-to-be, Kim:

Two weeks prior to the proposal my boyfriend told me that we would be going for a birthday dinner on the 12th of July. Knowing that I am foodie, he mentioned to me that Chef Fregz’s will be catering and some of his friends will be at the party just so I could get my nails done because I had always told him I wanted my nails done whenever he wanted to propose. So on the D-day, he had told me to get ready by 3 pm. In my excitement to eat Chef Fregz’s food I got ready an hour before, however, Damola showed up 2 hours later to pick up my sister and I. I was so livid because I felt we would not get to eat the good stuff.

On arriving at the location, he insisted that my sister and I entered the apartment first so he could be right behind us. When we entered we were so perplexed because we saw red petals on the floor and no guests. Then it dawned on me when I saw the “MARRY ME” sign that it was my proposal. A few seconds later there was an influx of a few of our close friends coming out from a room in the apartment and then I noticed our family and friends on the TV via zoom. I was overwhelmed with emotions, I cried and then my love asked me to marry him. This was everything and more than I’ve ever wanted.



Bride-to-be: @kimmyladia18
Food@semiras_place@12basketsfoodsltd  | @cuisine_fantastique

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