BN Bling Proposals

Nono & Bube Went From Company Registration to Love Forever!

Ever heard that proverb of looking for something we think is far off, but it has always been right in our pocket? Well, Nono and Bube’s love story is just like that!

The lovebirds have known each other for years as they both attended the same secondary school and even university! However, it wasn’t until years later when Bube needed Nono’s service to register his company, that the two started to interact. Now, it’s happy ever after for them and of course, you already know we’re super excited! We’re taking in their beautiful pre-wedding photos and savouring the beautiful love that they both share.

Enjoy their pre-wedding photos and love story below.

Their love story according to Nono:

Bube and I went to the same high school. Trust me when I say we were two nerds who did not even notice ourselves but we knew each other existed. Fast forward to much later, we attended the same University and still we were loving other people but ourselves. LOL! After my call to bar, on a very lazy workday, I received an Instagram request and Lo and behold it was from Bube. I remember that before then for some weird reason as if the universe was preparing my mind for his coming, I had earlier checked out his Facebook profile and thought to myself.. “hmmm, this guy is not all that sha” and I sharply swiped on to other things. Now seeing his request on IG had me thinking in pockets of many different things. Could it be we’re both stalking ourselves on this Mark’s app? Could it be that Facebook has a feature that now prompts its users when another views your profile? Could it be?? 😳🤷‍♀️

At this point in my life, I had gotten to the place where I wasn’t in the mood for any relationship that wouldn’t yield to some positivity and I had just gotten out of some hectic situation-ship. So…to accept or ignore Bube’s request was the only question in my mind. Well, it wouldn’t hurt a fly to know what he wants right? And I wouldn’t know if I don’t accept, so I did. Trust me when I say he had me from his first message which was totally work-related by the way. We like to call it “Our company registration love road to forever”. After registering his company… we’re now set to register our company in holy matrimony and I couldn’t have asked for a better life partner than him. ❤️

Their love story as shared by Bube:

You know those beautiful junior students in high school you see around and you can’t help but look at them twice? But you’ll just lock up because she’s your junior and you don’t want school wahala. That was the case with Me and Nono. We also went to the same university so when we got talking we had smooth sailing conversations. On this random day, I saw Nono’s Instagram handle suggested as “People You May Know” on Instagram. I casually clicked and this babe’s handle was private… lol 😂. At the time, I needed a Company Registration Service so I sent her a request. Thankfully she accepted and we started work on the Company Registration. We found out that we wanted something more than just a Company Registration, and today we are now sealing the deal to be Companions for life.



Bride @kasladon
Groom @bubeamos
Planner @crystalsbycheeevents
Photography @laahweddings 


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