BN Bling Proposals

They Met at a Wedding – Now Tolu & Kolade are Set For Theirs!

One of our favourite things about weddings is how we get to meet new people. Sometimes, one of these other guests may, in fact, be the love of your life! Tolu and Kolade can affirm this because this is how they found love.

These sweethearts met at a wedding in 2018. Little did they know that they will be having theirs somewhere down the line. Today, Tolu and Kolade have us gushing over their pre-wedding shoot. Their excitement is so evident in these photos and we can’t help but join in!

Enjoy their beautiful pre-wedding photos and love story below.

Their love story as shared by Tolu:

We met for the first time In November 2018, while I was on the bridal train and he was one of the groomsmen. We rode together to the church ceremony. I sat in the front seat that day as he drove us to the church location. The other bridesmaids in the rear began to tease me about the idea of us getting together, I growled and firmly said, “No way”. After the wedding, he followed me on Instagram but we didn’t start talking till a few months later. We immediately connected, which made it simple for us to become best friends and gist buddies.

I uploaded a picture on WhatsApp in November 2021 while on business in South Africa, to which he replied by asking “when are we getting married?” It occurred to me right then that he had been talking to me about marriage for a very long time but I had just never noticed it since I had always taken it as a joke and I had friend-zoned him. It’s funny because I’ve been trying for the longest to set him up with a couple of my friends too, lol.

He proposed to me in January 2022 and I said Yes! I thank God Kolade ticked all the boxes the Holy Spirit had told me about my husband. It’s so blissful to follow the Lordship of Jesus Christ as I walk down the aisle with my bestest guy.



Planner: @mkbrand_events
Photography: @thetomiwaajayi

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    October 13, 2022 at 4:18 PM

    God Bless this Union.

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