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Osas Saw Dura’s Photo on WhatsApp and It Was Love at First Sight!

Once upon a time, on the beautiful streets of WhatsApp, Osas came across Dura’s beautiful photo and it was love at first sight! 😍

He asked his cousin to introduce them and after their first conversation on Snapchat, it was clear that they shared a strong connection. Osas went from asking Dura to be his girlfriend to being his wife.. and now, it’s a forever love story. Their pre-wedding photos are a reflection of their sweet love and each frame will leave a wide smile on your face as you scroll.

Enjoy their pre-wedding shoot and love story below:

Their love story as shared by Dura:

He saw me on his cousin’s (one of my best friend’s) WhatsApp profile photo and he was curious as to why he didn’t know this beautiful friend of his family member… I like always to mention that he was mesmerized by my beaurrry. 😂 He asked for my phone number and his cousin asked for my permission to share. I told her to give him my Snapchat first because he had to ask me directly for my number. Let me see how he would do it…lol Well, he got my Snapchat and our conversation was so much fun… I couldn’t stop laughing. We were young, in our late teens and had so much confusion and unclear paths which we shared as we continued chatting for four more months.

Oh and how did he ask for my number? He didn’t need to o… I was mesmerized by how much he made me laugh, how cute he was and how much he couldn’t wink to save his life. So four months later, after making sure we were ready to help each other overcome the hurdles life had thrown at us at such young ages, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said a very happy yes. We met physically for the first time on April 14th and started dating on May 14th and so many 14’s are found in our love story. Seven years later but it feels like #theXIVlovestory started yesterday. The hurdles and odds were quite easy to overcome knowing we were in each other’s corners. On that beautiful day when he went down on his knees and popped the question,  I said Yes to a journey of being in each other’s corner for life.


Bride: @duralior
Makeup: @ariyike_mua
Hair: @adefunkeee
Photography: @damimanuels

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