Bola and Femi are two doctors who have embarked on a beautiful journey of love. Last year, they marked 10 years of bliss with a beautiful Vow renewal ceremony in Dubai.
Now, it’s been eleven years and their sweet love is still as bright as day! To celebrate this remarkable year, we asked them a few questions and their answers are just so enlightening and sweet. Their anniversary shoot with their two little cuties is one of the most beautiful things you will see today. If you are a lover of love, you’ll certainly want to keep scrolling. 😍
Describe each other using only three words.
Bola: Kind, Inspiring and creative.
Femi: Industrious, Intelligent, & benevolent
What’s the most memorable moment from your 11 years of marriage?
Bola: Too many amazing memories to choose from but the days our children were born were filled with so much joy and gratitude.
Femi: Celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary in Dubai.
Can you share a favourite tradition or routine you’ve developed as a couple?
– We always make decisions together.
– We express our love to each other throughout the day by saying, ‘I love you more’ and seal it with a kiss.
– We travel together often.
– We go on walks together almost daily.
– We also take anniversary photos every year to celebrate our marriage.
Share a funny or quirky habit that you’ve discovered about each other over the years.
Femi: When my wife cooks dinner or plates a meal, none of the food items touch each other, I have become accustomed to it now, but it is still quite intriguing.
Bola: My Chairman is a marriage counsellor and relationship expert. It’s hilarious sometimes how he talks to our 10 and 7-year-olds about relationships, finding the right terminologies that they can comprehend at their age. We had a friend over in our home one day and he asked our daughter her favourite subject in school, our daughter said Math. She then asked him his favorite subject as well and our friend said Chemistry. She was really confused and asked him to elaborate because her understanding of “Chemistry” that she learned from her dad’s teachings is that when a boy and a girl liked each other, we all laughed lol.
Reflect on a challenge you faced together and how it strengthened your bond.
-Building our house and making decisions on the designs and different elements that went into the house. It took intensive capital, time, and effort to find the land, get approval, and oversee the entire project. This project brought us closer to making decisions together, understanding each other’s tastes, compromising, sacrificing, and having delayed gratification.
If you could revisit one day from your wedding day till date, which would it be and why?
Bola: The day we renewed our vows in Dubai, after 10 years of absolute bliss and blessed marriage, a flood of memories of perseverance, overcoming trials and tribulations, accomplishing many feet, and the inspiration for what the future holds brought a euphoria of emotions.
Femi: It will be the day of our actual wedding, Dec 8, 2012. Seeing her walk down the aisle in her white beautiful dress brought tears to my eyes.
How do you keep the spark alive in your relationship after 11 years?
– Prioritizing each other’s needs and ensuring we are attentive to speak each other’s love language. Becoming aware of what the other person requires and meeting their needs.
– Sometimes being spontaneous and constantly dating.
– Spending quality time together, whether daily talks and walks, watching movies together, going out for lunch, dinners, casual dates, and vacations.
– Ensuring we are aligned with our goals and ideas.
– Praying together.
– Hanging out with other kingdom couples.

What’s the secret ingredient to a lasting and happy marriage, to you?
This is not in order of importance: sacrifice, patience, understanding, maturity, and God being the centre of the relationship.
What’s a shared goal or dream you both have for the future?
Pay off all debts.

What advice would you give to newlyweds based on your experiences?
Marriage is a journey, not a destination. You will never know everything about yourself and your spouse. There is always something new to discover about both of you. Most times the discovery comes through challenges. Don’t let those challenges be a breaker. Take them as a course to unravel the lessons and knowledge for corrections.
If you could give your younger selves advice on your wedding day, what would it be?
A wedding is an event with a known end date. Marriage is a journey without an end date. You can calculate how much your wedding will cost and prepare for it. You cannot calculate how much your marriage will cost. You can never be fully prepared for marriage. No amount of knowledge or resources can prepare you. But the more you discover and know the better. The journey of marriage will always require more knowledge and resources. Be prepared to be challenged, evolve, learn, adaptive, and resourceful in marriage. Never leave God out of your marriage.

Couple: @drsfemiandbola
Stylist: @eemweddings
Photography: @zoomworx
Hair: @yummylookss
Makeup: @bumble.bryyy
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