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Dami & Dare’s Love Story Legit Started on BBM

When their hashtag already lets us know how excited they to spend forever together.

Dami and Dare are officially counting down to #flighttoforever19 and we can tell how excited they are about this journey. Their love story legit started on Blackberry Messenger and now it has grown into a friendship so deep and strong.

See their love story from both the bride-to-be and the groom-to-be below:


Here’s how their love story started:

It was in 2013 when our friendship started, a beautiful one that has grown into the amazing US. It started from BBM display picture to sharing contacts and refusing to see him when he was in Nigeria (baby girl has to form ?). Eventually, that special call happened and we found out we have so much in common. We talked every day and I must confess his sense of humor got me. – Dami recalls

It wasn’t long before our friendly conversations turned to “my world revolves around you “ kinda conversations. Then different surprises started rolling in ????, I couldn’t and still can’t keep up.  Not every friendship turns into this type of selfless love that we share, and I am grateful I fell totally in love with you. Now after 6 years of a beautiful friendship, we can’t wait to tie the knot and start our happily ever after!

Of course, here’s how Dami recalls their love story:

Dami has been the best part of me for 6years. She’s the best woman any man could wish for. She’s strong, super loving, caring, hardworking and inspires me a lot. I’m lucky and happy to have you and can’t wait to start this forever journey with you, baby. My heart is racing babe, can we start the journey to forever already ??‍♂. I love you, baby.


Planner: @srcevents_
Photography: @jopstudio
Videography: @theweddingtv
Styling: @stylebyseun
Hairstylist: @hairkarved
Makeup: @maq_jose

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