BN Bling Proposals

#TheDEMaffair Started With a Frustrating Day at the Office!

When we say love has a plan for everyone, we do so bearing in mind how randomly, yet so seemingly orchestrated it happens. One moment, you’re having a frustrating moment, and the next, you’re meeting up with the one who would eventually become the love of your life! Emike and Dare have got us philosophizing today, with their absolutely sweet love story.

Emike was having some troubles at the office that needed some intervention. So she decided to reach out to a friend. As fate would have it, that friend was not available and someone else picked up the phone. That someone else happened to be Dare. So, how did it all spiral into a forever journey? Well, Emike and Dare give us the full gist and you definitely want to read it all. So just keep scrolling! Their pre-wedding photos will have you admiring the beauty of love. The chemistry and bond that these two share is simply undeniable.

Enjoy their pre-wedding photos and love story below.

Their love story as told by Emike:

I was so frustrated at work; the office network kept locking me out and rejecting my credentials. Then I remembered I had a friend in the Infosec unit and thought of reaching out to her. I called her desk phone and this polite, well-spoken man picked. I told him I wanted to reach my friend to explain my issue. He offered to help and said I should come over with my laptop.

I was reluctant because it was a journey, but he convinced me. I asked for his name (so I know who I am coming to see), and he said, John. When  I got to his office, he was busy and told someone else to assist. But I noticed he could not get his eyes off me (which he still denies). He told me he liked my outfit and loved my perfume and would not mind having lunch with me.

That was the beginning of our friendship. We were very close friends and at the end of 2020, we were inseparable. I knew what I felt but was in denial because I didn’t want to get into a relationship and also not with John because he can be very unserious lol. However, he was very persistent and wanted to be in a committed relationship (he kept asking what are we?…lol) which was very different from the John I knew. I finally agreed and we started dating, he wanted to meet my friends and family.

We went to visit my sisters and also met his parents and family. Everything was easy with him, I started seeing a future which I never did with anyone. My close friends knew I was one of those people that didn’t want to get married. Fast forward to April 22nd 2021, I went to visit John and he proposed and told him I will give him the answer the next day when I fix my nails (I bite them well). So I got my nails fixed, came back the next day, and told him Yes! 😅

Here’s Dare’s side of the story:

2020 felt like the year of hardships, bravery, and responsibility. Physically, mentally, and emotional yet the best thing I ever did was pick up a call. 2020 did not come with a manual, neither was there any premonition of today. This is our love story.

I picked up a colleague’s phone not knowing who was at the other end. I heard this voice complaining about network connectivity and how much it was frustrating her. So I asked her to bring the laptop to my office not knowing what the universe had in store. She walked into my office asking for John. Suddenly every guy in the pool was John. What a great day to be “John”. Have you seen the perfect combo of style, charisma and brains? That’s Emike.

How can one person know everyone? This I thought as we walked back from lunch. She was greeted by everyone that walked by… Little did I know it will come to hunt me today. Look beside you, she probably knows him/her.

The talking for hours stage. Oh yes, this is the part where I found myself washing the same plate multiple times, clearing cobwebs that were never there. We’ve all been there. Don’t make it public knowledge, it’s a secret. I actually said these words “What are we?”

Don’t you dare judge me! You can’t be where I have been and not ask these questions. Just look at those pictures and tell me you still remember you’re a “bad guy”. Exactly my thought. See where it got me, marrying the love of my life. Pick up a colleague’s phone when it rings. The love of your life may be calling. 🤪



Bride-to-be: @_emike
Groom-to-be: @_Kr8tos
Photography: @raremagic_gallery
Planner: @moamberevents
Creative direction: @moamberevents
Black dress: @keonaraphael
Suit: @shidarlclothings
Makeup: @b.e.a.u.t.i.f.i.e.d
Hair: @luxuryhairbymo
Hairstylist: @thehaircenter_

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