BN Bling Proposals

Jummai & Jide’s Pre-wedding Shoot is Getting us All Fired Up

Guys! It is really hot here!

You can literally feel the smoke coming out of the #JJUnion pre-wedding shoot. Okay let’s take it easy, Jummai and her forever love, Jide totally gave it to us hot. I mean, we can’t pass on the beauty of it all. It’s not just their pre-weddings hoot that is getting us this hyped, their love and proposal stories are too.

Keep scrolling to see.

Here’s how their beautiful love story started:

We both had a mutual friend and we met a couple of times when we all hung out but he didn’t notice me till he saw me take my wig off in public. He Asked for my number in presence of my friend, then the “chyking” began. I said no to him but later I then said yes after about 3 months of forming hard to get which was clearly not working, we started dating officially. I got to know him to an extent as we were spending more time together. I think what drew my attention to his kind nature was the way he treated his staff with respect and he was very considerate with them. As I knew him better, I started loving the person he is. We dated for over 2 years before he proposed.

Here’s how the proposal went down according to the bride-to-be, Jummai:

He woke me up from sleep, I opened my eyes and saw a ring. I Blanked out for few seconds because I didn’t honestly understand what was happening lol. Next thing he said was “You make me a better man, never been this happy with anyone, I know you still have a lot you want to accomplish but I promise this wouldn’t interfere with that. I will be your guide and support for life. Will you marry me?”. I was just smiling sheepishly and now we are on a journey to forever.




Bride-to-be: @juhmahi
Planner: @bankysuevents
Bridal Styling: @lavish_bridal
Dress: @flat17studio
Makeup: @karenonyou
Photography: @jopstudios | @awgz.married

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