Events NewlyNearly

Here are 3 Unforgettable Quotes From Oluwatosin Olaseinde at the #NewlyNearly Virtual Gathering

The NewlyNearly Virtual Gathering by Golden Penny and BellaNaija Weddings was indeed a wonderful one. We’re trusting that you didn’t miss out on it?

So, let us first say a big thank you for taking out the time to be a part of this magic that was the #NewlyNearly virtual gathering. If you didn’t join in, that’s still okay – there’s always more magic to create. For the virtual gathering, our speakers really came with their best foot forward and we’d be sharing the highlights with you. PS: They didn’t just come with words, they also came bearing gifts! Keep scrolling to find out what it is.

We told you we’d be discussing finance, as we understand that this is one very key factor in relationships. On that note, we had the vast financial maestro, Oluwatosin Olaseinde of Money Africa to hold it down. She shared a lot of useful insights and tips into the topic, “How To Build Wealth Before And After You Get Married”. She also left you a digital gift, click HERE to get it.

Here are 3 take-home points from her session:

The question of individuality or teamwork when it comes to financial matters in a relationship is one that has come up in several discussions. Check out what Oluwatosin has to say on that:

“Work towards your financial goal as individuals and as a couple.”

Is financial freedom a source of interest or concern to you and your partner? See what Oluwatosin has to say about that.

“Dual-career income is absolutely important to financial freedom.” 

What’s the best path to attain financial independence? If you’ve asked yourself this question, then check this quote out:

“Slow and steady wins the rece. Achieve financial independence slowly.” 

In all, the issue of finance is definitely one very important part of every relationship, especially for couples. If you missed Oluwatosin’s session, don’t worry – you’re still covered. She has a special digital gift for you. Click HERE to get it.

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