BN Bling Proposals

Tolu & Kunle Bonded Over Beans! You’ll Love Their Sweet Love Story

When you find your soulmate, even the seemingly mundane things carry a different degree of specialness that you can’t fully explain. When you find love, even the most basic of things or places, become unique. Today, we get to bask in the newness and joy that love brings.

Tolu and Kunle have us waxing lyrical today, with their beautiful story and pre-wedding shoot. The two met through a mutual friend and a journey to ever after began. Though the sparks had been lit, a love story seemed a far reach for a number of years. But eventually, love won!

So here we are today, drooling over Tolu and Kunle’s beautiful pre-wedding photos as they go into their forever journey. Their love story is also one that you’ll absolutely enjoy.

See their beautiful pre-wedding photos and love story as shared by Tolu below.

Their love story as shared by Tolu:

In 2014, a mutual friend invited Sope (my close friend) and me for lunch at his place off campus. That was where I met Kunle Odusan and how my journey with him started. This day remains very vivid in my memory. My friend introduced him as his roommate, and then we started talking. We bonded over the weirdest and most silly thing- beans! He was so down to earth and that was the first thing that attracted me to him. We spoke for a while as he was rushing out for fellowship that day. We kept bumping into each other on campus, and one day he finally asked for my phone number. We started chatting and our chats became very frequent almost immediately, it was as though we were long-time friends. Kunle was so easy to talk to – we spoke about virtually everything. He was in his final year and then finally, he asked me out. You would think with how close we were I would say Yes. Lol, I said no with tears because I was literally expecting God to speak to me and say “Go ahead, my daughter”. I guess I didn’t have a better understanding of the truth that God speaks in a lot of ways at that time.

He graduated and I was still in school as I was in Part 2 (200 Level). Over the years, Kunle remained a good friend. One thing I would say is that he was very consistent in being a good friend irrespective of the many “no” and “not sure” responses I dished out to him regularly. Kunle collect for my hand gann those years, lol. At some point, we stopped communicating and tried to date other people but none of them worked out. Finally, in 2018, during my service year, we reconnected again. As always, it was like we never stopped talking even after 4 years. We spoke about how life had been, our experience, and virtually everything. At this time I had grown in my understanding of God, life and every other thing and so had Ayokunle. I’m in awe of his wisdom and patience. We never stopped talking this time. On February 18, 2019, he told me he didn’t want to go through the next phase of life without me. He asked me out!!! And with Jesus’ joy and peace, I gladly said yes! It was so blissful.

Shortly after this, in January 2020, Kunle travelled out of the country and then there was the lockdown. We found ourselves in a long-distance relationship for 821 days! Lol, yes I counted every day. It was not easy at all, but I believe our past prepared us for it because we had to adjust to the realities of a long-distance relationship quickly. Even with the 12-hour time difference, everyone that knew me knew Kunle. It was as if he was always right beside me. We grew much closer than we were when he was in Nigeria, The odds were against us but we saw it through in love. I am so glad to spend the rest of my life with my best friend and my husband. My knight in shiny armour. The man of my dreams!



Photography: @damimanuels
Makeup: @beatsbymoh
Styling: @kennis_kenena

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    August 4, 2022 at 1:49 PM

    Beautiful 😍

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